HomeDental CareDental CT scans: What You May Have to Get One

Dental CT scans: What You May Have to Get One

Your dentist suggests the use of a dental CT (computerized tomography) for your mouth cavity. But you are left wondering, “Why a CT? What’s the difference between an x-ray and a CT?” This is a confusing situation to find yourself in. The reasons why you may require dental CT are numerous. Making the right choice is much easier when you’re aware of the circumstances that may require the use of a dental CT as well as how they work and the best way you can prepare yourself for a. We provide you with all you should be aware of regarding dental CTs.

Important takeaways

  • Dental CTs are a groundbreaking tool for dentistry. They create 3D models of dental structures and replicate the tiniest of specifics.
  • Dental CTs are secure fast, efficient, and comfortable for patients and are able to integrate into existing dental equipment. Dentists can use them to detect the condition, treat, monitor as well as for referrals to the dentist in the future.
  • Dental CTs aren’t standard procedures. Your dentist might suggest one in the event that an X-ray isn’t enough to give detailed information about the inside of your mouth.
  • Making preparations for dental CT is straightforward. It’s a good idea to consult your dentist if you’re having concerns about radiation, or if you’re expecting.

What exactly is dental CT?

An HTML0 CT is a short term that refers to computed-tomography. You probably have been told about the CT scan of other parts within the human body including the knee, abdomen or the brain. Additionally you can find CTs that are specifically designed to oral health such as dental CTs. In particular they are dental CTs are three-dimensional imaging methods that are different from the traditional dental X-rays which provide two-dimensional pictures of teeth and dental structures.

The first CTs were developed in the latter part of the 1980s, dental CTs have become a element of the standard set-ups in dentists’ clinics as well as hospitals. This is why they are commonly used in routine treatments, particularly when dealing with complicated cases or advanced dental techniques. The main dental CT structures it encompasses are teeth, root and soft tissue (tongue) as well as the lower and upper jaw bone, the temporomandibular joint, maxillary sinuses, nerves inside or around oral cavities and the airway and pharynx.

Some conditions could require a CT scan of the teeth

Your dentist will recommend an oral CT in the event that they require to examine more than what the dental X-ray could offer. Although CTs aren’t required to perform every routine dental checkup Be sure that your dentist will have reasons to request one. Here are a few situations which may require an dental CT.

  • Root canal therapy that fails. Extra canals that remain unnoticed are the main reason for a failed RCT. Dental X-rays show only one angle of teeth, and they are not able to recognize narrow or overlapped canals. This is why dental CTs can be extremely beneficial. They can identify gaps, narrow and untreated canals, increasing the chances of success for re-RCTs to nearly 90 percent.
  • Jaw joint assessments. Dental CTs are among the most efficient tools for assessing the joint’s alignment, position and any possible anomalies. Furthermore dentists can examine the cartilage, bones, and muscles surrounding the joint to provide the full view of what’s happening. If you’re experiencing discomfort in your jaws, swelling or jaw locks and jaw locks, the dental CT scan is extremely beneficial.
  • Evaluation of the impact of impacted tooth. Impacted teeth, particularly wisdom teeth, can be difficult to determine during regular X-rays. A dental CT assists dentists to determine the location and the angulation of wisdom teeth and assists in planning the extraction procedure accordingly.
  • Detection of injuries. Dental CTs give dentists with clear images that make it much easier to detect fractures, evaluate the extent of the damage and plan surgical procedures. Because facial and oral fractures typically occur in tandem, CTs are helpful because they offer a clear complete and accurate model of the facial structures surrounding them. It’s a fantastic instrument to help a team of specialists for head-neck trauma, as well as cosmetic surgeons collaborate to solve a problem.
  • Implant positions. The successful placement of dental implants is dependent heavily on a thorough prior-operative examination of the location and surrounding structures as well as how implants will be placed within the bone. Additionally your dentist will have to maneuver around the vital nerves and arteries when placing the implants. This is the place where dental CT scans can help. Dental CT scans are high-quality images that have great clarity and display the bone’s structure as well as the texture and the quality. These scans can also be an excellent tool to determine whether you’re a suitable implant candidate initially.
  • The amount of tumors and cysts. Dental CT scans offer precise measurements, the location and growth rate for dental tumors and cysts. In addition, CT scans’ 3D images provide vital information regarding the form of a cyst, its boundaries, and potential the possibility of encroachment onto nearby structures.
  • Assessment of orthodontic treatment. Planning is a crucial step in orthodontics. So, orthodontic specialists rely heavily on CT scans to create customized treatment plans, identify the necessity for extractions and assess whether braces or aligners will work for the particular situation.

The dental CT is an interactive 3D representation of the mouth. It aids dentists in diagnosing and treat, identify, and track progression. And the best thing is it’s digital. It can be saved or retrieved and then transferred across different systems. This means that if you’re traveling or moving or going to a new dentist or continuing your treatment after a break Your dentist will be able to review a previous CT or forward it to the new dentist.

How do CT scanners for dental use work?

Understanding how machines function isn’t always easy that’s why we’ll simplify it for you:

  1. After that, these images are then stacked (like coins) and then processed to create 3D pictures that show your mouth. This process takes less than one minute before you see the results on the screen.
  2. These X-rays get recorded on an imager that is opposite to the source. When the scanner spins and takes pictures from a variety of angles. High-quality images are able to capture the smallest the details.
  3. It emits a narrow X ray beam, which is released that is shaped like a cone or fan. These X-rays appear invisible and may be absorbed by bones and teeth.
  4. Dental CT scanners come with an enormous C-arm with a circular design which spins around your head, akin to the spinning top.

Although it may seem simple, the millions of electronic devices within the scanners are operating together to create the perfect scan.

CT scans in dental procedures Pros and pros and

Dental CTs come with advantages and drawbacks of their own. But, the benefits certainly outweigh any disadvantages.


  • Aid with the exact diagnosis and treatment plan for difficult cases.
  • Give accurate images of soft and hard tissues.
  • It can be used to assess airway structures.
  • They can be integrated into dental setups.
  • Friendly and easy to manage.
  • Provide detailed 3D images.


  • Children are particularly sensitive to CTs. Dentists will recommend CTs for children only if they are able to justify the benefits over the risk.
  • Patients with multiple dental CTs are exposed to radiation more frequently.
  • Costs can be high.

Dental CT scans are a risk

The radiation emitted by dental CTs is less than the standard CT device. However, repeated CTs have been linked with the possibility of developing cancer and heart illnesses. The introduction the cone beam CTs (CBCTs) that emit just 2 to 3 percent of the radiation, compared to traditional dental CTs has dramatically reduced the chance of radiation exposure and has also improved the safety standards.


Children are more sensitive for radiation. If your dentist recommends the use of a CT test for your baby the FDA suggests for you to have your dentist discuss the benefits and potential risks associated with the CT scan.

A child’s CT should be used only when absolutely required.

Does insurance cover dental CT scans?

An oral CT scan can cost between $200 to $1,000, based on the location you reside in and the kind of equipment you use. However, insurance coverage for dental CT scans differs depending on the specific dental insurance plan you have.

Certain plans offer coverage for CT scans as a part of their benefits, whereas other may consider it to be an additional procedure that requires additional coverage. So, it’s essential to review the terms and conditions that are included in the dental insurance policy or call your insurance company to determine whether the dental CT scans will be covered as well as to know the conditions and terms.

Preparing for a dental CT: a takeaway guide

A dental CT performed is quick and simple.

  • Begin with clear communication. Inform your dentist whether you are expecting or have been through an oral CT in the past year or have any medical conditions that hinder you from sitting down. Your dentist may offer an alternative solution in line with your needs. Also, if you’re concerned about radiation safety or health consult your dentist.
  • Get ready. There’s nothing to be concerned about when you’re getting dental CT. Simply prepare your self for this procedure. It is suggested that you get rid of any metal jewelry glasses, hairpins, glasses clips, or piercings prior to when you go into the CT scan area. Metals may scatter radiations of your CT and block out oral structures.
  • Follow the steps. The assistant will instruct you to sit at the front of the scanner. Place your head in a stand and remain still as the scanner is working.
  • Relax and unwind. After the images have been captured the monitor could take as long as a minute to display the model’s face on the screen. that’s all it takes. Your dentist will evaluate the results of the picture and will discuss the options for your treatment.

The dental CT scans are a groundbreaking imaging device that is a new one in the world of dentistry. They allow dentists to clearly see the situation and make informed choices regarding your treatment. Through these advanced scans, dentists are able to make precise plans for your treatment and ensure the highest quality results. Therefore, you can trust the power that is the dental CT scans. Let them do their magic.

Does Medicaid cover Dental Implants?


  1. The American Journal of Orthodontics as well as Dentofacial Orthopedics. from 2-D cephalograms, to 3-dimensional computed images of tomography.
  2. World Journal of Radiology. Recent advancements in imaging technologies for dentistry.
  3. International Journal of Dentistry. Utilization of Cone Beam Computed Tomography in Endodontics.
  4. FDA. Dentist Cone Beam Computed Tomography.


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