Home Dental Care Dry Mouth: Over-The-Counter as well as Prescription Medicines to Manage It

Dry Mouth: Over-The-Counter as well as Prescription Medicines to Manage It


Dry mouth may be because of the side effects of drugs, an underlying conditions, or sudden bursts of stress. The treatment for dry mouth is about taking a look beyond the symptomsand understanding the real causes of dry mouth. There are a variety of products on the market that seek to treat dry mouth, understanding what could be the most appropriate for you could make an enormous difference.

Important takeaways

  • Finding out the cause of dry mouth can be the initial step in addressing the signs. The dentist can be the most qualified person to assist you in this.
  • Dry mouth may be controlled with topical treatments and prescription medications.
  • Topical treatments like saliva stimulants, oral lubricants or sprays can be the initial method of treatment for dry mouth sufferers. They are generally safe, are available on the market and offer temporary relief.
  • The prescription drugs and products are specialized in their strength and dosage. Dry mouth toothpastes, and even products such as pilocarpine can be recommended by dentists.
  • Making experiments with different products could be risky. Make sure you consult dental professionals before you decide what could be effective.

Find out more about the different options for options for treatment and advice from experts on dealing with dry mouth.

How to manage dry mouth? What do dentists advise?

Dry mouth is only an indication of something else. more could be happening within your mouth. If you visit the dentist for an dry or dry-mouth and they’ve got many things to investigate, including your medical conditions or if you’re on medications, as well as your prior medical experience.

Dentists concentrate on three areas in managing dry mouth:

  1. Find and treat the underlying condition that is causing dry mouth.
  2. The production of saliva is increased.
  3. Replace the saliva that has been lost in your mouth.

In addition, increasing the production of saliva is only feasible if the salivary glands function correctly, it is much easier for saliva to be replaced with synthetic oils. But, these are only temporary solutions and nothing beats eliminating the underlying causebehind dry mouth.


Based on the diagnosis you have received If you are unsure, consult your dentist. Your dentist will advise you on the best ways to aid you in addressing the symptoms and the things you should avoid. He may recommend you see an expert for switching to other treatments or have an illness that is suspected to be causing you concern examined.

Dry mouth-friendly products are readily available.

Products to ease dry mouth may be available over-the counter (OTC) or prescription-based. It is important to be aware of numerous options available on the market so that you can determine which ones work best for you.

Oral topically based agents

Topical agents are absorbed by the mouth. It is not necessary to swallow them downlike pillsfor the effects to be seen. Topical treatments, which are safe and easy to consume are among the most prescribed over-the counter products for dry mouth.

  • Oral Lubricants for the mouth. These lubricants, also known as saliva substitutes, cover the mouth. They are intended to ensure your saliva flow inside the mouth. They are similar to the real thing in terms of composition. They are brimming with minerals like calcium, fluoride and Phosphate ions, saliva replacements provide protection against cavities.
  • Oral sprays. Oral sprays are a type of product that can be sprayed into your mouth and form an ointment of moisture. They can be used as a substitute for saliva and help to control problems with dry mouth. It is the American Academy of Oral Medicine (AAOM) advocates the use of xylitol containing oral sprays to provide temporary solution to dry mouth.
  • Saliva stimulants. Mints, chewing gums that are sugar-free and candy can boost salivary flow. Research has shown that chewing gum will increase saliva production and reduce the friction between your mucosa. Let the gums dissolve inside your mouth slowly for the best benefits. Citrus fruits such as citrus and lemons are another method to increase saliva flow. The nighttime where saliva production is at a minimum, can be difficult when you suffer from dry mouth. Use saliva substitutes instead of drinking water at late at night. They aid in keeping the mouth moist while removing the need to rise and flush.

Prescription drugs

If you suffer from chronic and extreme dry mouth, the treatments for your mouth with topical ingredients won’t be effective over the long haul so you’ll need shift to prescription-based treatments. The prescription products are more targeted and require a prescription from a doctor to purchase. Here are some prescription-based products that your dentist may recommend.

  • Oral rinses that are prescribed and toothpaste. Dentists advise using alcohol-free mouth rinses in order to reduce the drying effect on oral tissues. The toothpastes that contain fluoride are an excellent choice to lower the risk of developing cavities when you have a dry mouth. Be sure to stay clear of sodium lauryl sulfurate (SLS) or irritants, such as spearmint and cinnamon (flavoring agents). Your dentist will recommend an appropriate strength toothpasteensure that you adhere to it strictly.
  • Drugs prescribed by a doctor. Besides the topical agents, FDA-approved medications to boost saliva production inside your mouth. Pilocarpine along with cevimeline, are just two of these drugs. The doctor you see can prescribe either of the two for three months, and in the right dosages. Be aware that these medications may cause side effects and require a prescription from a specialist.

Innovative treatments for dry mouth, such as acupuncture focused gene therapy (CGT), laser treatments and electric saliva stimulators are currently under investigation. The hope is that these treatments could open new possibilities for dealing with dry mouth symptoms better than the present therapies.

Things to think about when it comes to dry mouth treatments

If you are deciding on how to proceed in finding relief and a cure for dry mouth there’s important factors to keep in mind.

The side effects of OTC and prescription medications

Topical products are more secure than prescription medications. The misuse of drugs like pilocarpine is linked to a myriad of negative effects. Make sure to take any medication whether topical or systemic under the supervision of a doctor to avoid any unwanted side effects.

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The availability of the products

Certain products are sold in pharmacies and don’t require a prescription from a doctor. Some, like the prescription-only pilocarpine and the cevimeline drugs. It is recommended to speak with an experienced dentist prior to buying any item. The dosages, duration and strengths of drugs may differ based upon the degree and the cause of dry mouth.

OTC products compare to. professional guidance

The reasons for a dry mouth can be a variety of reasons. It is no cure for dry mouth -or product that promises relief from the symptoms without a thorough diagnosis. Although some products can assist in resolving the problem temporarily but they aren’t able to substitute for a professional opinion. Make sure you have a diagnosis prior to making a decision to try a new product. Your dentist is the best person for dry mouth problems.

Dry mouths are uncomfortable to find yourself in. There are plenty of solutions to treat dry mouth and making the best decision is crucial. Although some OTC products may provide temporary relief, they are not likely to solve the root of dry mouth. Therefore, trying a variety of products in the market without consulting a professional may not be the best idea. If you are experiencing frequent dry mouth symptoms, see your dentist to discover the root reasons for the dry mouth and seek treatment in the appropriate manner.


  1. AAOM. Dry mouth.
  2. Therapeutics and Clinical Risk Management. Treatment and diagnosis of hyposalivation and xerostomia.
  3. Statpearls. Xerostomia.
  4. Journal of Dentistry. Evaluation of the clinical and antimicrobial properties of toothpaste and mouthwash for xerostomia.



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