HomeNutrition Facts10 Best Healthy Alternatives to Rice – Nutrition and Food Safety |...

10 Best Healthy Alternatives to Rice – Nutrition and Food Safety | 2023

Rice is an integral part of the majority of our diets. In general, we consume much more rice than realize is necessary, and it’s an excellent source of extra carbohydrates.

As delicious as rice can be however, it becomes boring and monotonous and, honestly you’ve probably tasted every variety of rice, which likely led you to this. So, welcome to the alternative to rice that you did not know existed.

In this article, I’ll highlight the top 10 healthiest options for rice in case you’re searching for a healthier alternative over the standard rice diet.

The article also informed about the importance of rice in your diet.

What Makes Rice An Essential Part Of Your Diet?

As we mentioned previously that rice is a key component of the meals of a large number of people around the globe and is the main source of your carbohydrates. But, incorporating certain rice alternatives into your diet isn’t the best idea. Some of them are very healthy and far healthier than rice.

Today, a myriad of opinions about whether it’s safe to eat rice in general has been continuously questioned in our society nowadays, let’s take a look into these beliefs. White rice has for a long time been labeled as a bad component of the diet, but evidence suggests that this isn’t the case and white rice in its own provides many beneficial requirements and is healthy if consumed in moderate amounts.

White rice has its own unique particularities. Its grains have been stripped of certain nutrients, leaving behind the endosperm, whereas brown rice retains its nutrients. If you consume white rice too frequently or cooked incorrectly causes health problems.

Certain conditions can be a cause for concern such as type 2 diabetes elevated blood pressure and other heart conditions. Controlling the quantity of rice you consume is essential to ensure a healthy and balanced diet. White rice is utilized for weight loss, but it does not have any major impact on the body.

If you’re suffering from digestive issues, white rice is an excellent option since it is easily digested and also has a subtle taste.

However brown rice is recognized as better over brown rice. Its grains contain nutrients unlike white rice which is why they are suggested to substitute brown rice in your diet whenever possible.

Brown rice can provide a number of benefits which include a reduction in the risk of developing diabetes as well as better heart health and a massive boost in nutrient intake which keeps your body well-being all over. It is also thought the brown rice can be beneficial if you’re trying to shed some weight and is a must in your diet plan to lose weight.

Red rice is a treasure trove of nutrients and is an important ingredient to include as part of our diets due to its contribution to improving bone health. It is also an excellent source of iron, vitamins fiber, antioxidants, and fiber. Red rice has been proven to reduce cholesterol levels, help prevent heart disease, assist in weight loss, and help ease asthma.

10 Healthy Alternatives to Rice

Most people think that rice isn’t any alternatives due to its texture and quality, but I am here to bring you some good news.

There are plenty of alternatives to traditional rice and we’ve created an assortment of healthy options to assist in changing your eating habits and making more enjoyment from your meals.

In order to avoid wasting time, let’s take a look at 10 healthier alternatives to rice.

1. Quinoa

Quinoa is a grain which has a grainy flavor and texture when cooked. Quinoa is a well-known grain substitute, gluten-free, and abundant in protein.

In essence, Quinoa seed is a complete proteinthat contains all nine amino acids that are required by the body. If you’re vegetarian and are looking for a method to gain the extra protein you need.

It also contains essential minerals such as copper and magnesium that are vital to the metabolism of energy and bone growth. If you’re sensitive to gluten be sure to purchase only gluten-free quinoa in order to minimize the possibility of cross-contamination.

2. Riced Cauliflower

If you are looking for healthier alternatives to rice that contain low-calorie and low carb percentage, the best choice is to use riced cauliflower. The alternative to rice is mild and is mild in flavor.

Riced cauliflower is a color and texture like cooked rice, however it has just a tiny fraction of the calories and carbs that rice has. It’s a popular substitute to rice among those who follow a keto diet with a low carbohydrate.

For making riced cauliflower, first, you’ll be required to cut the heads of cauliflower in a few pieces. Then, you can grated them with an grater box.

It is also possible to chop them in a food processor in a fine manner. Then your cauliflower is cooked to cook.

Cook the riced cauliflower over medium heat , using a tiny portion of oil till soft and lightly browned. You can also purchase cooked riced cauliflower from the nearest grocery store.

3. Riced Broccoli

Similar to riced cauliflower riced broccoli can be a healthy low-carb and low-calorie substitute for traditional rice, particularly for those who are on an eating plan.

Riced broccoli is high in vitamin C that acts as an effective antioxidant that can protect cells from damage and is essential to boost immunity.

Like riced cauliflower, riced broccoli can also be prepared by grating the broccoli using an ice grater in a box or shredding it using an food processor.

Riced broccoli must be cooked in a moderate heat, with a little oil. It is also possible to find riced broccoli in supermarkets.

4. Shirataki Rice

Shirataki rice is another popular rice option for those who are low in carbs and people who are trying to cut calories. It is made from konjac root, which is indigenous to Asia and is packed with a unique fiber called glucomannan.

Glucomannan the first fiber in konjac root is being investigated for its possible health benefits as well as its capacity to create a barrier that protects the lining of your intestinal tract. However, you must to consume a large amount of shirataki rice in order to get the majority of the substance glucomannan.

To cook shirataki rice wash it thoroughly in water, then boil it for one minute, and then cook it in a pot at medium-low heat until dry. Rinse shirataki rice before cooking. This will help reduce its distinct odor.

It may be difficult to locate shirataki rice in the local market, however you can purchase it on the internet.

5. Barley

Barley could be a grain closely linked with rye and wheat. It’s similar to oatmeal and has a chewy texture, with a earthy flavour. It has slightly more protein as well as fiber than rice.

Additionally, barley is packed with numerous nutrients. One cup (81 grams) contains more than 10 per cent of daily requirement for zinc, niacin and selenium.

In order to cook the barley one-half of hulled barley as well as 4 portions of water to the point of boiling before reducing it to medium heat , and cook until the barley is soft for about 25-30 minutes. The excess water should be drained prior to serving.

Nutritional Needs For Older Adults

6. Whole-Wheat Couscous

Couscous widely used across The Mediterranean as well as the Middle Eastern as a cuisine is a type of pasta that is made from small pieces of flour.

Whole-wheat Couscous is more nutritious in protein and fibers when compared to the regular variety which makes it a healthier option. Couscous is smaller than rice, and offers the food with a distinct texture.

To prepare, you need mix two portions of couscous, one cup of water. then allow it to come to a boil. Then, remove it from the stove and let it sit for approximately 5 minutes while making sure that the lid is adequately sealed to preserve the heat. Flavor with a fork, and serve.

It may be difficult to locate whole-wheat couscous at the local grocery store However, it is possible to purchase it from an online retailer.

7. Chopped Cabbage

Chopped cabbage is recognized as being low in carbohydrates and calories with a pleasant flavor that makes it among the most healthier alternative to rice. It is a great source of nutrients C and K, with only half cup of it giving 31 percent as well as 68% of DV respectively.

Vitamin K is essential to blood clotting as well as circulation. It is also a key factor for bone health as well as growth.

To prepare chopped cabbage, you’ll need to chop the cabbage with your hands or with the aid of a food processor. Cook for a couple of minutes or until it is tender, on a moderate heat and with only a small amount of oil.

8. Whole-Wheat Orzo

Orzo is a kind of pasta, is similar in size, shape and texture to rice in all aspects. Whole-wheat orzo is packed with protein and fibers more than regular orzo, which is a healthier and a better choice to rice.

It has a very high calorific amount, which is 50% more calories than equivalent portion of rice.

Whole-wheat orzo is an excellent food source for fiber. In our diets It aids in digestion and peristaltic motion by increasing the size of stool and softening it. It also is a good source of beneficial gut bacteria.

To prepare Orzo it is necessary to boil the orzo in water on medium heat until it’s tender enough to drain, and then it’s prepared to serve. Whole wheat orzo is readily available in the local supermarkets and online retailers.

9. Farro

Farro is a healthier alternative to rice that is a whole grain wheat product. It has a distinct nutty flavor as well as a chewy texture. has a similar texture to barley, but it has slightly more grains.

Farro is well-known for its protein content. For a healthy protein-rich diet from farro ensure that you combine it with soy beans like chickpeas and black beans.

To cook farro, cook dried the farro at moderate heat until cooked and tender. Farro is available in both local and online shops. It can be used in a similar way to rice, but it’s more nuttier and is chewy in texture. It’s similar to barley , but contains larger grains.

10. Freekeh

Freekeh has a lot in common with farro and barley which is an all-grain food item. It is made of wheat grains that were harvested when they were still green. It is very high in fibers and proteins.

Additionally, it is believed as being a source of iron, which is vital in the making healthy red blood cells. To make freekeh, it is necessary simmer it with water on high heat , then reduce to medium and simmer until it becomes tender.

Freekeh is available local and online stores as well as from


The healthy alternatives to rice are not just the bland rice texture and taste of your diet, but also provide many nutrients rice can’t provide.

They’re great additions to your food and will be beneficial to those who are vegetarian or are currently on low-carb diet.




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