Home Nutrition Facts Lower Cholesterol Using Food

Lower Cholesterol Using Food


A high level of cholesterol in the blood could cause to stroke and heart disease However, it is possible to find ways to manage your cholesterol levels by eating a healthy your diet. By paying attention on eating a diet that is low in saturated fats and avoiding trans fats and establishing living a healthier life. In addition, losing weight, working out and knowing the role cholesterol plays within your body can help you on the road to healthier living.

Deborah Kurzrock, R.D. is a registered dietitian who is employed in Radiation Oncology in the Dorothy E. Schneider Cancer Center in San Mateo, says making an effort to lower cholesterol is about taking on new healthier habits including cooking at home, and weighing your portion sizes.

“If you alter your eating habits it’s likely to alter your life style,” Kurzrock says. “Your schedule will have to include the time for food preparation eating meals at scheduled times and working out.”

To assist you in getting started, Kurzrock outlines the foods you shouldn’t and shouldn’t put on the table:

Diet Improved for Mental Health

What to Eat

What to Reduce or Eliminate

  • Food products that have been processed or packaged.
  • Full milk, cream Sour cream, ice cream, cream cheese, and cheese.
  • Butter, margarine and oil and mayonnaise ought to be reduced to 1 or 2 tablespoons daily.
  • High-fat processed meats like hot dogs, hamburgers, sausage, cold cuts bacon as well as salami, ribs pastrami, bologna and cuts that are marbled of lamb and beef.
  • Organ meats like sweetbreads, kidneys, liver and brain.
  • Pastries, fried foods Cookies, candies and other foods.
  • Saturated oils include palm oil and coconut oils, and kernel oil.
  • Solid fats like shortening and Lard.
  • High-fructose corn syrup can be found in breakfast cereals, sodas and sports drinks.
  • Honey syrups, jams, syrups jellies, and agave syrup.

Making healthy fats

Our bodies require some fat to work properly and function properly, so concentrate on eating healthy fats whenever you cook. Healthy fats like omega-3 fats can lower your cholesterol levels, manage your weight, and make you feel fuller. Utilize olive oil, canola oil, flaxseed oil, or sesame oil for cooking or dressing salads. Avocados are also great to eat as well as nuts and seeds, or natural nuts to ensure you are getting your dose of nutritious fats. When you cook food, use healthy cooking techniques for heart health for baking your food rather than making it into a fryer. Be sure to remove any fat from your meat prior to cooking.

Kurzrock recommends eating as if you’re vegetarian or vegan for a portion of the week and limiting your red meat consumption to not more than 18 ounces a week. Try to avoid meat on Mondays, or perhaps following your Mediterranean Diet, which includes red meat on occasion. This can reduce your intake of total fat and will reduce the amount of cholesterol you are consuming.

Make Yourself Ready to be Successful

To prepare yourself for the best possible outcome, Kurzrock says it’s a good idea to clear your refrigerator and pantry of all processed or high-fat food items that can be appealing.

“A majority of people squander their time by keeping cookies and chips in their kitchens. Do not do that to yourself. You must to be proactive to keep yourself on track to an enlightened way of life,” she says.

This also includes things such as not shopping when you’re hungry, since you could be enticed to purchase unhealthy items on impulse. Also, you need to ensure that you are on regular eating habits.

“Try to not to stay longer than four hours without eating, as this can help maintain your blood sugar under more in check. You’ll make better choices about your food as long as your blood sugar level remains steady,” she says.

Beyond the Kitchen

Find out more about exercising and how it can help your heart fight strokes and heart disease. Also, learn the best way to make the most of your exercise.



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