HomeHealth Conditions10 Best Home Remedies Treat To Mouth Sores

10 Best Home Remedies Treat To Mouth Sores

10 Best Home Remedies Treat To Mouth Sores

Mouth Sores

Sores on the mouth, tongue, or lips can have many causes, with stomach heat being the most prominent. At the same time, other reasons include allergies, infection, injury, or stress to a part of the body. Brushing, anxiety, spicy foods, and hormonal changes can cause mouth ulcers. As these blisters mostly appear due to stomach heat, they can be quickly relieved if the stomach heat is controlled.
These blisters mostly appear in summer because one cannot eat food properly or drink any cold or hot drink.

These blisters on the mouth’s soft muscles are painful after eating spicy food. Along with this, problems are also faced in cleaning the teeth. While brushing, if the brush gets on these blisters, it starts bleeding slowly, which feels very unpleasant.

People of any age can suffer from mouth ulcers. Most of the time, blisters form in the mouth during fever or when the body fights against a virus. According to medical experts, these blisters may take 10 to 14 days to heal. Mouth blisters can be easily treated with home remedies.

10 Best Home Remedies Treat To Mouth Sores

Use of Aloe Vera

Almost everyone suffers from mouth ulcers, but aloe vera gel is considered the best treatment for these ulcers. This gel speeds up the healing to process of blisters or wounds and reduces pain. Apply the required aloe vera gel to the blisters and repeat this process twice daily for quick results.


Honey has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Along with this, it has properties to reduce the redness of the skin and also helps in preventing infection. Applying honey to the blisters three to four times daily will relieve pain and soreness.

Salty Water

Add salt to the water and blanch for thirty seconds. Budding will speed up the process of removing the blisters. Saltwater bubbles help dry up blisters. Or add salt to water and apply this solution to the blisters with the help of tissue or cotton. But using salt water for blisters can also cause pain.

Baking Soda

Baking soda helps to normalize the acidity and acidity that lead to blisters. Along with this, this soda helps quickly treat ulcers by eliminating the bacteria in the mouth. This soda also balances the pH level and helps reduce inflammation. Add a one teaspoon of baking soda to half a cup of warm water and stir.


Aluminum sulfate is abundant in alum, often used to pickle vegetables and preserve foods. It has properties that help in drying the wound and also help in the contraction of tissues. Mix alum in water to make a paste and apply it to mouth sores. After a minute, wash off the blisters with normal water.

Milk of Magnesia

Pour a small amount of magnesia milk into the mouth, rinse it, and throw it away after a while. This milk contains ingredients that play an essential role in controlling the mouth’s acidity. Apart from this, you can soak a cotton ball in this milk and apply it to the blisters four to five times a day.

Tea bags

The tea contains ingredients that normalize the hormones that increase the pain of wounds or blisters while also including ingredients that help reduce pain. Place the used tea bags on the blisters for 5 minutes for effective blister treatment. This will significantly reduce the pain caused by blisters.

Vitamin E or coconut oil

Coconut oil has antibacterial properties. It prevents mouth ulcers caused by bacteria. Along with this, this oil also reduces inflammation and redness caused by blisters. Also, you can cut the vitamin E capsule and apply the oil to the blisters. This will form a protective layer on the blisters, protecting them from infection and helping them heal quickly.

Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is a potent disinfectant. With the help of this solution, teeth are also cleaned along with the mouth. This solution protects the wound from infection and mouth ulcers. You can use it as a mouthwash while avoiding swallowing it completely.

Use of Yogurt

The beneficial bacteria in yogurt help to eliminate the harmful bacteria in the blisters. Daily consumption of yogurt can play an essential role in relieving the pain of blisters.

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