HomeHealth Conditions8 Best Foods to Eat When Fighting the Common cold

8 Best Foods to Eat When Fighting the Common cold

8 Best Foods to Eat When Fighting the Common cold

A cold is an illness that can be experienced in any season, but most people experience cold in cold weather. Colds are not painful but can cause physical discomfort and affect daily activities.

Commonly the word flu is also used for a cold. If not treated early to reduce the severity of a cold, it can lead to various medical problems, even your heart. The heartbeat may be irregular, or breathing may be difficult.

Antibiotics are used to treat colds, but when cold symptoms get worse, common cold symptoms include a runny nose, hoarseness, headache, feeling cold, or nasal congestion. Grillo’s tips or remedies can be efficient if tried at the onset of cold symptoms.

8 Best Foods to Eat When Fighting the Common cold


Garlic contain the compound allicin, which has antibacterial properties so the garlic can have many medical benefits. If garlic is included in your diet and used regularly, the symptoms of cold can be reduced. According to some medical research, garlic can also reduce the risk of seasonal diseases.

Excessive use of water

When experiencing cold symptoms, it is necessary to consume more water because drinking water does not dry out the nose, throat, and mouth, which makes it challenging to get rid of colds and phlegm. Had to

Also, if you do not consume a balanced amount of water, you may experience dehydration, which can lead to diarrhea and fever. You can use these things to prevent dehydration and reduce the severity of colds.

  • Coconut water
  • Sports Drinks
  • Herbal Tea
  • Fresh Juices
  • Soup
  • Broth
  • Fruits and vegetables
  • Chicken soup
  • Chicken soup is not a complete cure for colds, but it can be very beneficial in reducing its severity.

Some medical studies have shown that consuming chicken soup slows down the movement of white blood cells in the body, thereby protecting the body from disease. When the activity of these cells slows down, they accumulate in large quantities in areas of the body that are prone to illness or in the regions that need more of these cells.

In addition, clinical research has also found that chicken soup reduces the severity of upper respiratory symptoms. You can use low salt chicken soup to get the medical benefits effectively.

Increased rest time

If you develop cold symptoms, it will be essential for you to to increase your rest time. Getting good and quality sleep can increase the strength of your immune system, which increases the body’s ability to fight colds. So, if you suffer from cold symptoms, cancel your daily activities for some time and improve sleep quality and rest.


Ginger has been used for hundred of years for its medicinal benefits as it has antimicrobial and antibacterial properties.

Ginger tea can be consumed regularly to get rid of colds and sore throats. To make ginger tea, cut a fresh piece of ginger into small pieces and heat it in a cup of water and when the water changes color, take it off the stove and drink it. You can add the lemon and honey to this tea to make it taste better and sweeter.

Increased intake of zinc

Zinc is one of the minerals considered to be very beneficial for the immune system. Zinc helps your body make white blood cells that play an essential role in fighting disease. Some clinical research shows that increasing the intake of zinc can reduce the symptoms of colds, in addition to the fact that zinc helps the body effectively fight the virus that causes colds.

You can use zink supplements and vitamins to increase your zinc intake, while it can also be obtained from the following foods:
Red meat – Shellfish – Pulses – Beans and seeds – Eggs – Dairy products, etc.


This natural remedy also has antibacterial and antimicrobial properties, which helps fight against colds and other seasonal ailments. Adding honey and lemon to hot water reduces the severity of sore throat and does not worsen the symptoms of cough or cold.


Probiotics are also known as healthy bacteria that improve gut health and strengthen the immune system. Consuming foods containing probiotics reduces the severity of upper respiratory tract infections as well as colds.

The best source of probiotics is yogurt, which also provides protein and calcium to the body.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D3 can be play an essential role in reducing the risk of colds, supplements made from it can be used to mitigate these risks, while the deficiency of this vitamin in the body increases the risk of colds. goes

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