HomeHealth Conditions9 Best Home Remedies For Jaundice

9 Best Home Remedies For Jaundice

9 Best Home Remedies For Jaundice

Jaundice treatment

Uses of Turmeric

Turmeric is rich in antioxidant properties that strengthen liver cells. Along with this, harmful particulars are avoided by using turmeric. Grind seven grams of turmeric, mix it with honey, and use one spoon daily in the morning and evening.


Cut the pumpkin into pieces and cook the broth. Try not to have fat in this broth. White cumin, coriander, ginger, a little salt, black pepper, and garlic can be added for a better taste. At the same time, avoid adding green or red chilies, sour cream, and hot spices. In case of hunger, eat pumpkin pieces and drink the broth.


The use of cucumber removes the heat from the stomach and liver, so its use during Jaundice is beneficial. You can also sprinkle black salt on the cucumber before eating.


Mix a little ginger, ten mint leaves, and a teaspoon of fennel in a cup of water, make a cup of ginger tea and drink it three to four times a day. Also, add ground ginger, one spoon of water, lemon, mint extract, and one spoon of honey to make a mixture, and use this mixture three to four times a day.

Leaves of Terminalia

Soak Terminalia leaves in the water in the evening. After mixing them in water in the morning, filter and drink. Soak these leaves again in the morning and use them in the evening.


This vegetable is beneficial for people who have Jaundice. Eat it raw. You can also use Jaggery along with it so that it gets digested quickly. It is also used by mixing sugar with radish juice. Apart from this, the juice of radish leaves is also helpful in this disease.


Carrot jam is very useful for patients suffering from this disease.


Consuming the juice of one to three lemons in water every day will start to relieve the symptoms of Jaundice within a few days.


Pomegranate juice is also very effective during jaundice symptoms. Consuming its juice every day at night will reduce the symptoms significantly.

Sugarcane juice

Sugarcane juice is very curative during this disease. Sugarcane juice not only reduces the symptoms of Jaundice but also relieves the weakness and fatigue caused by Jaundice. Jaundice symptoms usually disappear with the help of these home remedies.

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