HomeHealth Conditions9 Natural Remedies That Work Fast For Scabies

9 Natural Remedies That Work Fast For Scabies

9 Natural Remedies That Work Fast For Scabies


Scabies is considered a type of skin allergy and can cause severe discomfort. If the itch starts once on the skin, after a long time, it starts reducing, and the person has no option but to scratch the skin. But the problem is that the itchy skin gets temporary relief, but it reappears with intensity.

It can be experienced for many reasons, while dryness, skin tension, and liver problems can be significant itchiness causes, even in severe forms like psoriasis. If you have psoriasis or eczema, scratching the skin can worsen the infection.

9 Remedies for scabies

Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar to use for hundreds of years for its antiseptic properties. Apart from this, apple cider vinegar has many medical benefits. Acetic acid is found in this vinegar, reducing the severity of all types of infections and killing germs.
If you experience itching at different times of the day, add apple cider vinegar to water and apply it to the itchy skin. When using the apple cider vinegar on the skin, be careful not to get it on wounds as it can irritate.

2. Coconut oil

Coconut oil is a great option to get rid of dry skin and itching caused by insect bites. According to medical experts, coconut oil can also be helpful for itching caused by other reasons.
When you experience itching, gently massage coconut oil on the affected skin and, after some time, wash the skin with a clean cloth. By following this method for a few days, the severity of the itch will begin to decrease.

3. Baking Soda

Baking soda has anti-fungal properties, which can help get rid of skin infections. Also, baking soda can be used to kill germs.
To get rid of itchiness, add baking soda to the bathtub and then splash the water all over the body to get rid of the itchiness effectively.

4. Antidepressant medications

According to some clinical studies, antidepressant drugs can also reduce the severity of itching. Using these drugs causes the brain to produce a chemical called serotonin, which relaxes the cells in the body that cause itching. Antidepressant medications are usually used in severe cases of pruritus.

5. Petroleum jelly

Suppose your skin is susceptible and you suffer from itching. In that case, petroleum jelly is the best treatment for your skin because petroleum is made from natural source ingredients and does not contain artificial and harmful chemicals, Because it works effectively.
Regular application of petroleum jelly on the itchy skin will start reducing the severity of the problem. Apart from this, the skin will also begin to improve.

6. Yogurt

Yogurt is generally thought to be good for the stomach, but it can also be a great tip for the skin. Yogurt is an excellent cleanser to get rid of itchy and dry skin, which helps to remove dry skin and make it soft and smooth.

To get rid of itching, add three tablespoons of papaya to half a cup of curd, apply this yogurt mixture on the itchy skin and wash off after fifteen minutes.

7. Aloe Vera Gel

Aloe vera gel is called a natural medicine because it has many medicinal properties. This gel has antibacterial and antioxidant properties that help prevent infections in many body parts, including the skin. Also, aloe Vera gel can be used to treat nails, acne, and eczema.
Apply aloe vera gel on the itchy part of the body and wash it off when dry. This will start reducing the severity of the itching.

 8. A mixture of cinnamon, nutmeg, and oil

A mixture of cinnamon, khoya, and vegetable oil is very beneficial to get relief from itching. To make this mixture, take half a cup of cinnamon, two tablespoons of khoya, and two tablespoons of vegetable oil.
Apply this mixture all over the body before taking a bath at any time of the day and then take a bath. By following this home remedy for a few days, the skin health will begin to improve.

9. Basil leaves

Basil leaves are rich in many nutrients like agonal and thymol, relieving itching and reducing the burning sensation on the skin.
In case of itching, rub the basil leaves on the affected areas and then wash them off.

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