HomeDental CareOral Care During Pregnancy: Why it is Important

Oral Care During Pregnancy: Why it is Important

Oral health issues can be a mess as you get pregnant due to hormonal changes food choices and myths that stop you from seeing your dentist. If you don’t take care of the health of your mouth during this time could pose a risk to both you and your infant. This article will provide information on the ways that pregnancy impacts the oral health of your baby, as well as his health and how you can keep your mouth healthy and overall health when you begin this amazing journey.

The most important takeaways

  • It can be a challenge to have a baby. Maintaining the health of your mouth is essential during this stage.
  • A poor oral health during pregnancy could affect general health and baby’s health, as well as the health of your baby.
  • Gum infections, cavities that are severe and tooth pain among pregnant mothers have been linked to a higher chances of developing teeth cavities in infants as well as premature births as well as low-birth weight infants.
  • Dentists suggest regular dental checkups as well as preventive treatments, and maintaining an impeccable dental hygiene to avoid problems during pregnancy.

Dental health and pregnancies The science behind it

The process of pregnancy can bring about incredible changes to your body, however, it’s important that these changes could impact your gums and teeth. Let’s have a look.

  • hormonal changes. During pregnancy, your body produces higher levels of hormones such as estrogen and progesterone. Although these hormones play a important part in your pregnancy however, they be a source of greater risk of developing swelling, red, and bleeding gums. These are known as pregnancies gingivitis. The gums may become inflamed by even the smallest plaques and can lead to the growth of tumors during pregnancy.
  • Changes in your eating routines. Pregnancy may bring many interesting cravings as well as modifications to the way you eat. Mothers who are expecting tend to binge eating and crave sweets or sours regularly. If you take them frequently, but not taking care of your dental hygiene, they could have a negative impact on your teeth over the long term.
  • Neglect in oral care. The experience of becoming pregnant, the regular nausea attacks early in the morning and mood swings may be quite a challenge to endure for a mother-to-be. With all the attention focused of the child, mothers tend to forget about their oral hygiene most during this point. Your routine of daily oral hygiene may fall behind before you know it.
  • Changes in the body’s immune system. Pregnancy can diminish the ability of your body to fight germs and infections. When this happens oral bacteria that you are normally immune to may expose you to serious infections.

These small changes can be a result of time, causing tooth gum infections, cavities, and loose teeth, ultimately creating pain, discomfort and unwelcome complications. The effects of these changes aren’t just for you. It can also be detrimental to your child too.

Unhealthy oral hygiene during pregnancy could negatively affect the baby

The findings of research have revealed a worrying relationship with poor oral health among pregnant women and their negative effects on the unborn baby.

Gum infections and preterm birth

Mothers who are expecting with severe gum infection or periodontitis have a greater chance of having a premature birth, before reaching the 37-week mark. Births that are premature often result in infants who are not weighing enough, which could create a number of issues for growing and developing babies.

Dental pain, inflammation and preterm contractions

Dental pain is more than just a nuisance during pregnancy. It can cause premature contractions, especially in the final quarter of the third trimester. Any oral inflammation is at risk of spreading into the bloodstream and abdomen, leading to a high risk pregnancy.

Future risks and caverns

Children whose mothers suffer from excessive levels of dental cavities that are not treated or losing are more likely to develop cavities in their the early years of their lives. Bacteria responsible for the development of cavities could be transferred from the mouth of the mother to the infant. These bacteria may travel through the placenta and cause dental problems for the baby.

Now that you understand the ways that poor oral health could result in problems during your pregnancy, let’s look to the steps you can take to prevent it from happening.

Pregnancy oral health Dos and Don’ts

While pregnant, you are responsible for the health of your baby. Everything you do or do not do will eventually affect the baby’s health. This is a helpful guide for expecting mothers on the most effective methods to ensure the health of your baby and a healthy baby.

Visit your dentist

It is recommended to schedule appointments with your dentist as soon as you begin planning to have for a child. It is the perfect moment to have your mouth examined and get any treatments advised from your dental professional. If you didn’t get an oral exam prior to pregnancy, make it a goal to visit your dentist when you are able to conceive — the sooner the more effective.

Follow the dental advice of your dentist.

Pregnancy is a delicate time. Your body and the baby will be exposed to only certain treatments whether it’s medical or dental treatments. Also, inform your dentist of your pregnancy and follow your dentist’s recommendations extremely carefully. If you are experiencing pain, your dentist may suggest sticking to Acetaminophen. If you’re suffering from swelling or infection caused by an untreated tooth it is possible to be on amoxicillin. This is not a great idea to buy painkillers over the counter as well as antibiotics in pregnancy without consulting your doctor.

Openly communicate

If dental problems are a part of your family, or if you encounter a dental problem that is major, don’t hesitate to consult your doctor or dentist. It’s OK to have silly thoughts on your mind and don’t be afraid to ask. Talk to the experts and ask for their guidance.

Maintain a standard of dental hygiene

The process of becoming pregnant can be a roller-coaster ride. It’s easy to be overwhelmed and neglect your oral health. Make sure you brush your teeth twice a day for 2 minutes. You should floss frequently. If you are having issues with the taste of the toothpaste it is possible to change to a neutral one. It is possible to experience unusual cravings when you’re pregnant as well as the tendency to snack on quick meals. Be sure to wash your mouth each time you consume something. Doing the extra mile to care for your gums and teeth can make a huge difference.

Manage morning sickness

One in two pregnant women experience morning sickness within the first three months. It is possible to be one of the two. If you are, rinse your mouth by putting a teaspoon of baking soda and the form of a cup of water immediately after vomiting to remove any acids present in your mouth. Speak to your doctor in the event of a severe case.

Don’t delay emergency dental treatments

Your dentist will distinguish oral problems that require urgent treatment from the treatment options that are elective. All emergency oral procedures are performed in the second trimester while elective treatments (that are able to wait until the birth) are delayed. The dentist will stay clear of those in the third and first trimesters in order to make sure there are no unavoidable outcomes.

Don’t skip dental appointments

Even the tiniest of symptoms could cause health issues for your baby. So stick to your routine dental visits according to the guidelines and follow the recommendations. International authorities such as those of the FDA and WHO encourage dental visits throughout pregnancy.

The American Dental Association (ADA) and the American Academy of Periodontology (AAP) advise that all pregnant women undergo an extensive oral examination by an experienced dentist at least once in her first trimester.

The American College of Obstetricians & Gynecologists believes that maintaining a healthy mouth during pregnancy is essential to the health of the mother and the child and recommends regular dental examinations during pregnancy.

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Visit to the dentist while pregnant What can you expect?

While you’re visiting the dentist It is essential to relay important details to your dentist. Here’s a checklist of details you should share with your dentist when you visit.

  • The pregnancy. Start by letting your dentist know you are expecting. This allows dentists to tailor their treatment and treatment specifically to your requirements during this time of special.
  • Health concerns. Inform your dentist regarding any serious health issues you are suffering from, particularly those that might have developed during pregnancy, for example gestational diabetes.
  • Medicines. Be sure to inform your doctor about any medication you are currently taking. This includes prenatal vitamins and supplements. Also, tell your dentist of any allergies you may have particularly if you’re sensitive to a specific category of medications.

Before deciding to implement the full dentistry plan for your child, your dental professional might consult with you about specific questions and alternatives to provide the highest quality of care for your child and you. Here are a few typical things to expect:

  • Trimester. Your dentist will inquire about the trimester that you’re in. This will allow him to decide when it’s best to start treatment immediately or if it’s better to wait until delivery.
  • x-rays. If necessary, your dentist might suggest taking dental x-rays in order to assess your oral health in depth. Contrary to popular opinion dental xrays aren’t harmful during pregnancy when they are taken with the proper safety precautions.
  • The comfort. If a severely infected tooth has to be extracted, or a swelling has to be eliminated, your dentist will design the procedure with your peace of your mind. Second trimester of pregnancy is the ideal moment for urgent procedures because of the lower chances of loss of pregnancy as well as the comfort of the patient.
  • fillings. If a cavity has to be filled the dentist may recommend you use a mercury-free tooth-colored filling made of resin.

Maintaining your oral health throughout pregnancy goes beyond the simple matter of maintaining a gorgeous smile. It is the most important factor in creating a safe setting for the baby’s growth while minimizing the risk. If you follow a few key steps, you are able to embark on a path towards an uninvolved pregnancy and a healthy baby.


  1. The American Journal of Maternal/Child Nursing. Pregnancy and oral health.
  2. Journal of the Turkish German Gynecological Association. Oral care in pregnancy.
  3. Oral Health Care During Pregnancy Expert Work Group. Oral health care during pregnancy: a national consensus statement.


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